Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I laughed until I cried...

I the midst of my hectic day yesterday I called upon my own Mommy for comfort. I called her up and let it all spew out. Poor thing. She is always such a source of positive encouragement for me, and always has something wise to say that will calm my nerves. I was telling her about my sweet Husband and how he had accidentally layered on some frustration to my day. She jokingly said that she could practically hear me letting him know how upset I was. I told her that surprisingly I refrained. I was in that feeling sorry for myself mode and said "he will understand when I drop dead from being overworked". Now in hindsight I am dying laughing at myself. What a Drama Queen!

So this evening I am talking to my best friend April and she is telling me about her Grammy. This is the most beautifully spirited, Godly woman I know besides my own Nana. April asked her how she felt this evening on the phone and Grammy said she felt terrible. Her legs hurt so bad she could barely walk or sit down. Here is what Grammy says next..."but you know what I'm going to do?" "I am going to plaster a big smile on my face and wheel myself down the hall, that way when I die everyone will say, Lonny? How did she die? There was nothing wrong with her!" LOLOLOLOL Oh Grammy
I so know how you are feeling:)

I guess even the best of us are allowed to have pitty parties from time to time...


Undomestic Goddess said...

Damn it ! I sooo wanted to talk to you today! You know it was someone who has no friends that came up with "Daylight savings time" (yuck) I miss you and hope we can chat it up this week ;0) Muah

Laura said...

I love this, and yes we all Do need to be allowed to have a pity party from time to time! I honestly struggle with my desire to keep positive on my blog and be real... I mean I don't want to scare people contemplating children. Until your in the midst of it you cannot understand why the rewards still outweigh the challenges.