Saturday, July 21, 2007

Weekend Fun...

Enough of the serious stuff

This morning Angie and I thought we would be clever and beat the Saturday crowd at the mall. And we did;)The kids jumped around in the play area just enough time to get tuckered out! We had a great time squeezing every last drop out of this summer day. On our trip home, the sun was so tempting we decided to skip nap time and head to the pool. Because Mommy UMMMMMM likes a challenge....

The pool was more like a circus. No really. This one Mother in particular stands out in my mind. This little boy was splashing us, very aggressively for a toddler, so my sister in law kindly asked him not to do that. He splashed harder, so her tone changed a little. Then he spit, yes spit at us instead. She asked where his Mommy was and he splashed off in to the sunset. We looked around the baby pool at all of the Mother's and no one seemed to be paying any attention to this child. Then he ran out of the gated area to the big pool, still no one paying him any mind. Then he darts toward the waterslide, clearly he cannot swim and thinks this is just another slide like the ones he's used to at the park. This one emptied into 6ft of water. Another lady saw him and alerted the lifeguard so he ran after him and just as reached the top of the stairs, the lifeguard snatched him up. The lifeguard headed back to the baby pool asking who's child it was, still nothing. When he quarantines him back to the baby pool to go hunt down the parent, finally this Woman who had been sitting a mere 10ft from us hears the chaos and realizes it's in regards to her 2 1/2 year old. So she proceeds to scream at HIM as if HE should be much more responsible and keep his little behind in the baby section. YES! I couldn't believe my eyes & ears. She sat right in the middle of her child's naughtiness the whole time, and he ran past her out the gate, and NOTHING! This whole production took a good 10 minutes. We had no reason to even suspect that was her child. But he was the one who needed to get yelled at? Crazy Woman...It blows my mind how careless people are with their children. And quite frankly it angers me.


Undomestic Goddess said...

well I would have splashed back! the same thing happened to me and my sil at Big Surf, it bugs me when the parents are not watching. Although my son drenched this lady with the water cannon (but that was funny and she deserved it for sitting in front of the darn thing)and when I saw it happen I called him to be near me (but never told him to say sorry )

Laura said...

That is UNBELIEVEABLE! She is very lucky that child didn't drown. You cannot take your eyes of your child, especially near a pool, for two seconds! To yell at a two year old for that behavior is ridiculous, I would have wanted to go over there and tell her what I thought of her mothering or in this case lack there of.